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Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Philippines: Sex Strike Brings Peace

And, IF the newsstory is to be believed, guess how long the SEX strike had to be in effect to be effective upon the men? ONE WEEK! ----------- (Could the wives of politicians pull this off?) But, one of the funny stews to come out of this no sex phenomena, was the reaction of one husband when his village returned to peace and prosperity - he was going to get a second wife with his extra money. Hilarious. 55K views.

And, not only that - it seems the sex strikes are becoming A Worldwide Phenomena as this story details.

Do you believe in crime psychics? Here's a Compelling Person named Noreen Renier who does just that. Stewable.
A Mind for Murder: The Real-Life Files of a Psychic Investigator - One of her books.
Politics, check. ParaNormal, check. Must be time for the daily Sexy Picture, check. -- Here's another Self-shot Sexy Cutie - BS Entertains.
Meanwhile..... the story of being homeless in a virtual world.....really - - watch out, this stuff is addicting.
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