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Monday, October 10, 2011

NYT- The Depression: If Only Things Were That Good

Yep, the NYT pointing out the excellent things that were going on in the Depression of the 1930's - compared to today's Great Recession (yes, some want to use the term New Depression). As more and more it becomes evident that no quick fixes, or briberys of the big money boys, is going to fix the fraudulent mess that is what is called at Today's B.S. - The Obama Recovery. Anyway, here's the CNBC repost of the NYT details - quick read to get you up to speed. TBS's lead link.
Digging Deeper - Don't miss this in-depth economic read about Is US Economy Flirting With 'Modern-Day Depression'? - and, a tease:
”Simply put, an economic depression occurs only once it becomes painfully obvious that the markets and the economy are failing to respond to repeated bouts of policy stimulus,”  - and more details like Ominous Signs Abound.
-----------------------As Americans know, the OWS (occupy wall street) certainly made the Sunday talk show circuit (talking ABOUT them of course) - with some commentators: ie:politicians - making asses of themselves. Such as Herman Cain's blanketing them as `union organized' to `distract' folks from how bad a job that the Dems and President Obama is doing. ---------------- Which is so offbase as to be near laughable IMO. ------------- Here's a heads up Herman -- the protestors think EACH PARTY is WORTHLESS and only a sliver of the protestors have any connection to UNIONS most likely about the same percentage as exist in America.
As Barfsters know, Today's B.S. has already predicted that the OWS folks days are numbered before strong action and perhaps America's own Tienanmen Square event. Sadly.

Mainly, it will be in response to literally try to save the politicial system itself from self-examination. The awaiting for the Democrats and Republicans who have been elected to ADMIT that the COMBINED support for their two parties don't even represent a majority of the adult public interests in politics. The MAJORITY want BOTH parties replaced. (I've had the link before to a poll that showed the MAJORITY of Americans wouldn't pay ONE DOLLAR to have the party representing them be of the `party' of their choice - meaning - the American people don't see ONE DOLLAR of difference in our supposedly free parties to chose between.)

BTW, the loud sucking sound your hear is the vacuumn created by the worthless mainstream media who has NEVER ENTERTAINED THE IDEA that the parties are worthless, not representative, and need replacing. Never choosing to present legitament gripes about government policies on an on-going basis. Always considering the movements for change to be outside of the majority of citizens since the two parties didn't want change.

So, anyway, here's the first `pepper spraying' associated with the beginnings of `leaderless demonstrations'. - Choosing First To Pepper Spray Those Against DRONES As Part Of The War Machine - and here's more coverage of the OWS - Man Rallies Crowd With Comparison To Arab Spring - and you'll note how in this previous link how tranquil the relations are with the cops. Finally, the `conversation' seems to be spreading Wall Street Protest Spurs Online Dialogue on Inequity - What Inequality?.
Barfsters - Not Lightweights.
Oh, BTW, you think the above pepper spray incident had anything to do with this? Computer Virus Infects Predator Ground Stations - Seems some hackers are grounding the Drones.
And, it was also revealed this week that Corporation Internet Attacks May Be A Conspiracy - that dangerous internet again, maybe that whole thing needs to be restricted. BARF.
Get your politics fix at Today's B.S.
Here Comes The Sleazy Section Of Today's B.S. - Click At Own Risk.
And, after all that - you deserve some Inappropriate BS Humor - Pickin On Religion Today or, how about an Absolutely Inappropriate Picture of Two Sexy Girls Kissing At A Party? which will qualify as Today's Sexy Picture.
Yes, BS Entertains Doesn't It - Here's some CAMPY music:

The Blob / Saturday Night in Tiajuana, 1958, 45 Rpm Vinyl Single 7", 2 Songs, Columbia Original, Maroon & Silver Labels, Cat # 441250
True CAMP from the 1950's
And, finally, some real time travel - to the good old days before the polluted skies we now breathe: Yeah right - Today's BS clears up another mystery: Pittsburgh 1905

(click the above picture to enlarge and thicken the smoke)
Thanks For Barfing

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