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Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Rick Perry Answers Questions (or is it Questions Answers?) On Obama Birth Certificate

The totally spineless MSM, despite many `problems' with the `long form' which President Obama released in the spring  (that wasn't the long form anyway) have appearances of forgery - picks at the end of the few with the balls to still even bring the subject up. Too bad the `spokesman' is the inept Rick Perry - Watch him dodge around on video here, with story too - TBS's lead story.
The book below has ANSWERS.(?) to the above!
Is Barack Obama's Birth Certificate a Fraud?: A Computer Guy Examines The Evidence For Forgery
Today's B.S. goes into the muck. Again, TBS would like to point out that BOTH `candidates' in 2008 had `birth' problems to some degree - CHANCE? I doubt it.
Say you come to TBS for the sleaze? Ok - Hugues Akassy, Fake Journalist, Flattered NYC Women Before Attacking Them: Prosecutors -
The travel agent said she agreed to go to a bar with Akassy and "his hands started wandering around my chest, and he started to kiss me." She said she rejected his advances and told him she was married.

And, continue your read about taking him to work conferences 5 times and..... you get the idea - "It was over in a flash". Oh, he had three other `girlfriends'.
Today's B.S. - sexy picture - OMG public offering - you'll bookmark this one.
Politics, check. Sleaze/Sexy, check. Must be time for some of the paranormal sauce for the brew - Did PLATO Speak With Earth In The 19th Century? - on the website The BIG Study, with great writing and ideas. Check.
TBS's political cartoon - Angry Taxpayers.
NO, the OWS movement is NOT over - the MSM only wants you to think it is: `They' Are Starting To Move on the Movement:

I updated my newsblog today - stories your own hometown paper missed - like The Patent On Broccoli.
 need a laugh?
Thanks for Barfing Today

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