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Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Risking life for America... at OWS?

It's been about a week since Scott Olsen was shot by police in Oakland at the OWS stuff there. The MSM keeps this as low profile as possible; indeed, GIVING AIR TIME TO the Madoff family yesterday on NBC - looking for sympathy. Amazing.

Today's B.S. sexy picture - No, HS isn't like you remember it! as you can tell from this leggy upshorts picture.
Meanwhile.... World Heading for Jobs Recession, Unrest: ILO - We have reached a moment of truth - MSM article of disturbing implications. Will you become a prepper?
Just to make sure that the college males have hung around this far --- a second pic - Pole Dancing In Tight Dress.
As you may know, the MSM has been making a HUGE deal about humanity crossing the 7 BILLION person mark; so, what do you make of this FACT - Overpopulation Isn't The Problem: It's Too Few Babies - Even MORE Women are deciding to have NO babies! -- REASONS?
Whether it’s because men are seen as weak, or children too problematical, traditional families could erode further in the decades ahead.

The chidlessness phenomenon stems largely from such things as urbanization, high housing prices, intense competition over jobs and the rising prospects for women. The secularization of society — essentially embracing a self-oriented prospective — may also be a factor.
Very interesting read.
And yes, the nations NUMBER ONE party school - largely due to its legendary Halloween Party did NOT disappoint -
Finally, you say - where's the SLEAZE? How about an out of control brat who pulls down his babysitters short skirt in public?

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