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Thursday, December 22, 2011

Ron Paul's Amazing `CORE' Supporters

The MSM in America is slowly getting cooked in its own stupid verbiage; because as everyone knows - they have ignored Ron Paul's run for the Presidency once again. (Do remember however that RP has been on the `run for President' train since his first Libertarian run in 1988 when he placed third in the popular vote with about a half million - one of them mine.) As they did in 88 and in 08 - and `supporters' of his aren't surprised that he is getting ignored this time either. Or, the issues that he represents - as they are a direct threat to the portrayal of America involved with the world as a Positive Attribute.

But, THIS time, its the NON Paul folks that are seeing the obvious IGNORING of Paul's IDEAS. Made even more remarkable when one considers that the other 7 or 8 candidates sound virtually identical on most issues - especially where Paul stands alone. And, as you know, those `core' supporters of Paul's that the media somehow turns into a negative -- is growing into a MUCH larger CORE, as those that used to listen to the MSM find their words a bit hallow. A growing core that is so tired of real issues being ignored as to be almost beside itself.

Even ordinary people are asking - IF Ron Paul's support KEEPS GROWING - when he says he wants the USA to get out of the affairs of over 150 countries ---- HE'S NOT KIDDING. At all. OR, when he says he would actually SHRINK THE GOVERNMENT. ----------- Obviously, fighting words to the MSM who ignores such ideas routinely in their quest to be a mouthpiece for the official government line.

Indeed, ask yourself, how could the MSM NOT have tons and tons of folks --- representing the 20% of America and growing -- who think that bringing our `influence' to focus on getting things right in America first - is perhaps a good idea --- talking at your face as a talking head day after day? Where is this growing viewpoint in our so-called Free Press represented?

Nowhere of course. They are all worthless Republinuts or Democraps. All of them. They say so themselves. And, they try to manipulate the middle folk who are beyond disgust with both the parties antics into thinking they have NO choice except for bum A or bum B. They do NOT want people to be FOR a candidate (like those RP core). It is worse than the one party rule we have all grown accustom to having - it has no become the NO party rule. Literally a system that hasn't even shown the mandatory budget on paper for years to the public. It is all smoke and mirrors. But, the MSM keeps playing the drums for the crumbling `two parties' - the same ones who everyone wants gone except the MSM (who will be depending on their political advertising dollars to make their own profits next year).

Of course, only OUR media could turn being a SUPPORTER of a candidate INTO A NEGATIVE --- "don't worry about THEM" they say about Paul supporters - he just has CORE supporters. ----- Let me give the MSM a heads-up, that's a lot more SUPPORT than either of the major parties have. And, somehow, I think that is what the MSM hopes will occur - a replay of 1992.

In their heads, when RP is denied the Republican nomination by their powers that be, the MSM secretly hopes that RP will Run as an independent - splitting the vote - so that President Obama can slip on by. But, the MSM may be playing with fire. What if those core supporters refused to stop believing? And, what IF the LEFT - yes the OWS crowd, buoyant from an `American Spring' run their own set of candidates?

Could the outcome be something like the below?

  • 2012 Election Outcome
  • Ron Paul 29%
  • Barack Obama 29%
  • Mitt Romney 24% (Republican party no longer qualifies for matching funds I believe.)
  • Oprah Winfrey 15%
  • Others 3%
With not one candidate even near 270 electoral votes? And, with all four candidates having some electoral votes do to proportional representation within some states. What then?

Perhaps the MSM would have been better off actually taking the RP supporters and ideas SERIOUSLY - and let him have a real chance to represent the Republinuts. Then you might indeed have President Obama slip by as the MSM makes a mockery of the Republinuts in an effort to sway those in the disgusted middle from even voting. As they would do an about face from 2008 when they were all for `change' - as the `change' RP would represent would simply be `too much'.

Beyond hilarious. Makes you feel all warm inside right?

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