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Sunday, January 8, 2012

A FYI Post To Barfsters And Newbies

First, thanks for ending up on Barf Stew today. Most visitors to Barf Stew arrive via sexy pictures they find on Google or they are searching for `time traveler pictures' - regardless of which brought you here, thanks. There is a lot of content in the nearly 700 previous posts to dig into - especially if you like sexy pictures, or paranormal stuff. You will find lots of politics too.

You see, Barf Stew, now called, probably temporarily Today's B.S., is a MIX of what I enjoy to surf on the internet - and - a reflection of my other Blogspot blogs - of which I will highlight a few for you today. I do this so that you can get a better sense of the totality of the blogging effort.

Anyway - these are my blogs and some Internet Data about them: - according to Alexa it's worldrank in 2,100,000th or so - people spend a little over 2 minutes when they visit.
Barf stew is my next highest ranked in Alexa with a worldrank of 3,700,000th or so - and people spend a little over a minute here when they visit.
My esoteric blog called The Heavy Stuff , somehow still manages a good Alexa rank despite few posts in 2011 - ranked worldwide as 5,200,00th or so. Average time again slightly over 2 minutes.
Next up is my Restaurant Blog in the 16 millions - -
Then, TAL, The AnomalyMan Listing (on blogspot) - in the 26 millions rank worldwide.
My Politics blog is off the Alexa Charts now but was on them when posting was regular as was my Group Blog with other `paranormal' writers and my Juggling Site - and another business site - and UFO site - and finally, my End Of The World site - which is actually in the top 20 million.
So, whatever your mood, I've got you covered - Now, go explore.
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