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Thursday, January 5, 2012

Grand Warlock Predicts Obama Loss

Prediction is from Mexico, where the best warlocks still exist evidently. He also claims an 80% Success Rate In His Predictions. Wonder what the Vegas odds are?

Here's today's Sexy Girl picture - Shapely Girl - if you are new to TBS - nearly everyday has a sexy picture so dig into the archive.
I trust that Barfsters are familiar with EVP (Electronic Voice Phenomena) - where the voices of the dead can be picked up on tape or digital form; so, here's a site with tons of Examples and yes, it's part of my sidebar too. Lots of good stuff in the sidebar.

Today's UFO link? 2012 UFO Videos.
The Barf Stew Mix - Paranormal, Sexy,  and sometimes a bit of FUN. 3 million views.

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