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Thursday, January 12, 2012

The Obama Recovery - Mothers Becoming Phone Sex Whores

Around here at TBS - we've been highlighting those wonderful changes to our society ever since the MSM declared an END to the `recession' in mid-2009. Despite EVERYONE knowing it is complete BS. Indeed, in the tags below this post you will see `the Obama Recovery' if you want more to read more Lurid Examples Of The Obama Recovery - just hit the tag or search the site in the google box. And, I bet you will want to read more after this tease of the story:
Thousands of mothers in the United States are currently earning extra income by working as phone sex operators and a rapidly increasingly number of moms are following in their footsteps, earning between $10 and $50 per hour to entertain the sexual needs of men over the phone, Good Morning America reported in a segment on working moms in the phone sex business.

The number of mothers pursuing sex work has increased by 400 percent over the past 18 months alone, according to Rat Race Rebellion, an organization that specializes in finding jobs for mothers who need to work from home
Makes you just feel all warm and fuzzy inside doesn't it?
Economics and Sleaze - Important Ingredients In The B Stew.
And, yes, BS's pictures are another reason to visit the New Barf Stew (do you like the new design?) - Such as this Future Pole Dancer - Yowser.
Oh, if you liked the above - the daily Sexy Picture is ..... well, almost daily -- so, dig into the archive for more if you wish - second helpings are free around here.
Meanwhile.... did you catch the `strange' story about a 'Space ball' drops on Namibia - and that these `hallow space balls' have been known to drop in Africa before? Space Ball Picture and Story. --- More Strange `Sky' Phenomena?
How about a touch of nefarious? Could Chemtrail-like substances be used for A Blue Beam Scenario? - (with interesting links and MUFON UFO report too).
Speaking of GREAT MUFON Reports - The UFO Disclosure Clock yesterday had some to knock Your Socks Off - Including Government Orb Explanation - great stuff.
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