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Monday, January 2, 2012

Will The MSM Get A Romney Win In Iowa?

With the most blatant of intent - the MSM has set up the Rupublinut field in near perfect order with a milquetoast Mitch Romney - leading a nutcase (not the BS opinion of course) Paul - over a `swelling' Santorum support (never mind that Santorum means activity associated with Gay Sex). And, the outcome of the caucuses by percentage: (as you read here on BS on the 19th of December)
Romney 23%

Paul 22%
Gingrich 20% (now Santorum)
Perry 12%
Bachmann 9%
Others/Field 14% (now includes Gingrich)
Has only changed in that you can literally substitute Gingrich for Santorum in tomorrows outcome IMO.
As most folks are aware, the MSM wants Romney as they think that BO will beat MR. Which is what they prefer as the Republinuts had their eight years to run the system into the ground with the democraps full compliance. They also would prefer a `split' vote on the Republinut side to ensure victory like in the 90's. They hope Paul will take a final ride as an `independent'.
If Barfsters think something different use the comments to sound off.
First, I provide you with a link
And, now Today's BS heavy post is about taking things at face value and stretching them by using a learned man as a source for ones thinking -
It seems I've built up a few Sexy YouTube videos (like yesterdays) I bet you won't mind:

Slightly perverse indeed.
Even after that some are still looking for TBS's daily Sexy Picture - such as this Dev Model Swimsuit Beauty.
See You Tomorrow I Hope - Bookmark and Return!
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