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Saturday, February 4, 2012

Blogger Charts Feds Escalating Laughter During Bubble Build Up

Talk about doing the work of the worthless MSM - a blogger has went thru the minutes of the Feds meetings during the `boom' times - and guess what he found? Guffaws out the wazoo. Choking chortles. And the same arrogance of `being right' - as they have right now with a balance sheet of trillions. Revealing charts show the Fed laughed all the way to the top. CNBC link.
BS political humor - It's All About Safety! Cartoon.
Are we really to think that women in short skirts with white panties, who ride in public transportation directly across from others, don't think their Panties Can Be Seen? Very hot and men everywhere in Russia are thankful for such women.
Here for the UFO stuff? Well, the UFO Disclosure Countdown Clock has just moved to the Latest Time Setting Ever - Find Out Why!
And, some Sexy YouTube - for the kicker:

THE Barf Stew hopes you were entertained today - dig into the 700+ previous posts for more servings of the Stew. And, please bookmark and return again soon.
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