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Sunday, February 12, 2012

The Obama Recovery - Widest Job Gap EVER

While President Obama stands calmly at the podium reading about our `recovery' off the monitor - those results of HIS recovery abound and are often covered here on BS. You'll enjoy the facts of this CNBC link pointing out such morsels as The lowest level of employment of 18-24 year olds since records began. BO might indeed have a bit of a hard time convincing those voters this time - even if the Republinuts put up disgusting candidate as they do constantly. BS does politics and economics.
Sometimes, on Sunday's we get a little artsy: And Coop The Artist - fits the bill. Below is an example of his work that is featured on the link that I also provide. That will take you to his Squidoo site - Where you get a better overview of his talents.

Sunday also means more politics and economics - such as a `picture graph' of the REAL debt crisis in Europe - country by country and then you will be able to finally make sense of The Nonsense.
Speaking of pictures worth your eyetime - One Click Chicks - you'll have to register for more. BS connects.
Speaking of BS connecting - did you look in the sidebar at the top? There is a link I've placed there to a REAL survey firm that gathers on an on-going basis `answers' from the panel they form about Politics, Products, Brands, and often Movies (including movie trailers). Anyway, people earn `points' that they accumulate over time and then cash in for things like `movie tickets' or cash value.
So, it's not a scam in any way and isn't some get rich quick or anything like that. (Indeed, they send a survey about every couple of weeks.) So, find out more by checking it out if you like to provide imput on things like movie trailers.
Finally, how does BS combine both politics and the paranormal? Well, give a link to what David Icke thinks about the OWS Movement - high strangness indeed.

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