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Sunday, March 4, 2012

Stephen Hawking's Sex Club Black Hole

While he speculates about God and Black Holes in theory - he may be shouting `holy Jesus', and more involved in holes than many thought possible, until this new Revelation about Sex Club Usage by the wheel chaired genius came to a climatic spotlight a few days ago by the MSM. A tease:
"I have seen Stephen Hawking at the club more than a handful of times," the member told the celebrity site. "He arrives with an entourage of nurses and assistants. Last time I saw him, he was in the back 'play area' lying on a bed fully clothed with two naked women gyrating all over him."

Keeping with the `science' side of sleaze today - did you know that female Bonobo's are aggressively bi-sexual when they join a new family group? Read about how anything goes in any combination with this next to human species.

Someone, somewhere - looks at this lovely morsel each evening Sexy Blonde Chick. Dig into the archive for more of this stuff.
Looking for the very best 2012 UFO videos? 2012 UFO Videos.
Finally for today - he's 93, had a few drinks...... you can wish you will be so spry. 

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