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Wednesday, March 7, 2012

UFO Invades Airport On Christmas Eve Video (Multiple Captures)

Here's a perfect Barf Stew UFO video - because it's either total BARF or something certainly worth STEWING about. As you see in this short clip of the three sources - it looks like some sort of weird Kite, or, RV plane of somesort (perhaps). Upwards of 20K have spent a minute or so with this:

When Fannie Mae KNEW about the housing crisis - and the FRAUD - A Mortgage Tornado Warning, Unheeded - The Smoking Gun About Robo-Signing and Fraud Within Fannie Mae - Barf Stew does politics.
Part of the BS mix is Sexy Girls - as in this Student Downblouse.
UFO stuff? How about an actual picture, shot from an airplane seat, of a UFO shooting a beam at the plane? UFO Shoots Beam
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