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Wednesday, April 25, 2012

1906 Cellphone Man - Another Barf Stew `Time Traveler' Picture

The BS time travel picture series continues via another Shorpy find in a NYC 1906 Curb Market photo. Like all the `time traveler' pictures of BS - this traveler seems to stand alone, almost with an `overdone' top hat for the era. (Like the misplaced clothes on MIB entities.) Yet another `lively' moment filled with perhaps the unexpected - it's the man in the lower left of this photo:
And, here he is close up and cropped: (has cool indepth info about the curb exchange and its history).
Barf Stew Entertains - Like this visual of a Year Of World Shipping in less than one minute - over 70K views 19/1 pos/neg ratings.

Speaking of entertaining - that will be 200 Dollars Please - sexy entertainment I bet. And, you'll need to click that you are over 18 to see this Non-Nude twosome - Hot Girls.
Humor - Quick MEME - Inner Dialog.
Until April 29th - check out this `Haunted House' Game sold on Amazon for 8.95 -- at a special price of only 99 Cents  from Big Fish Games - thanks.
Or, is he using a toothpic?
You know, if you like this blog - I also do a UFO blog. Here's the best of that blog for 2012 all on one page - 2012 UFO Videos And Pictures.
Shouldn't your friends see the `Time Traveler' picture? You can post this on Facebook or Twitter or Email it via the share buttons below this post. Thanks.

the very high end of surveillance 

1 comment:

  1. By "time traveler", do you mean the guy standing behind the mailbox picking his nose, or the guy in dark overcoat, facing the camera, who looks a bit like a young Richard Nixon?


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