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Sunday, April 22, 2012

Judge Rules That Advocating Jury Nullification Is Not a Crime

Another ever so slight Glimmer of Hope (until overruled). Most folks couldn't even tell you what JN is - and it certainly is hated by the MSM who NEVER mention it as an alternative OR when it actually occurs. Barfsters - make sure to forward this one to those that actually give two crappolas about Justice.
Oh, have you heard that their is a new sonar `blip' that resembles the Loch Ness Monster? With Picture. I remember the `real' picture of the fin back in the 70's - that was somewhat convincing indeed.
And, certainly, just the title of this YouTube Video will be enough for Intellectual Barfsters - A TEDx video about what has happened to the male brain since the introduction of internet Porn. The Great Porn Experiment

The above vid has about 145K views and over a 10-1 positive to negative rating.
Porn, ParaNormal and Politics so far - having fun?
I bet someone is gonna have fun with this hot chick, right? Sexy Blonde In Bikini - yowser. 
You have been challenged to read about The Slippery Slope Of Now And Real.
Oh, did you know that you can turn in a VALID winning big lotto ticket minutes before it expires and that UNLESS you can or will explain how you got it - You Might NOT Get Paid - yes, you have to explain how you got it. Strange.
As Barfsters know - I am a Kindle Author of UFO books and `heavy books' - I OFTEN have some that are FREE on my author page. Please take a look at my Kindle Author Page For UFO Books And Heavy Books
Thanks for visiting today, I hope you were entertained. Please bookmark Barf Stew and return again soon. 

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