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Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Private Eye Claims That O.J. Innocent Of Murder

Oh, this one reads like a thriller - and not only that - find out which person in O.J.'s bloodline Is The Actual Killer - it almost makes sense. Worth your read.
IS a day of reckoning coming for the YEN? Is the currency thing about to send us all off the cliff?

'Massive Wealth Destruction' Is About to Hit Investors: Faber - But, some places, he claims - have already hit bottom. Welcome to Georgia.


As Barfsters know, BS is all about variety, including Sexy Images. Today's hottie will surely peak your interest. Sexy Russian Blonde Model - no nudity of course, but you will need to verify you are over 18 to view this one. And, how about a second for humpday? Sure, like this Well Endowed Sweetie.

BS means ParaNormal too - here's today's ParaNormal Read - cool blog I found in an old list I have.
Oh, one more Smiling Beach Teen.
Thanks for your visit today - find some more fun stuff on this page before you go - the sidebar is like a treasure chest.

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