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Thursday, May 10, 2012

Private Prison Corporations Are Modern Day Slave Traders

This is some very serious Barf to Stew about. The idea that slavery has become a for profit industry with barely a wimp from our beyond worthless mainstream media is sickening. - Read this eye opening report and facts - Prison Profiteers. Makes you want to get in line to vote for a republinut or democrap doesn't it?
OH, about that RUNNERS HIGH ------ turns out the body is MAKING the active ingredient in POT while running - Runners Need A Bit Of Prison To Straighten Them UP? ---  Yep, that is how stupid our drug war is.
The Cascade Creature?

Speaking of creatures - I bet this one could wrap you around her finger with one bat of her lovely Eyes, right? Or, how about this Political Creature? - The Archive has tons of pictures at least this sexy.
Oh, you gotta read this Barf about the secret service using prostitutes scandal:
the man had agreed to pay her $800,......... it was nearly three hours after the man kicked her out of the room and she alerted a Colombian policeman stationed on the hallway before three colleagues of the agent, who had refused to open his door after giving her $30, scraped together $250 and paid her, she said.
It is so comforting to know that the men protecting the most important man in the world have such High Standards, right?
IF you have been waiting for someone to put together an inexpensive Ebook about the 2006 O'Hare UFO Incident you are in luck.
Oh, Morning Reddit Headlines has Updated with the headlines your hometown paper somehow missed this morning. (Girly Pics Too.)
Thanks for Barfing Today


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