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Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Bark Less - Wag More

Some classic BS here today - guy decides to try on a dog collar designed to prevent barking:

BS Entertains.
Time for the beauty pics - I'd Say A C Cup? and Ride 'em Cowgirl? Hot Stuff. And, inappropriate.
Are these, the dumbest girls EVER?

Was there some sort of Nuclear Accident Last Week? - That is being hushed up? Or, is it all BS?
Hooter Girls Go The Extra Mile - right?
Have you bookmarked BS yet?
Over 700 posts this good and entertaining in the archive - lots of pictures of beauty.
Here's some insightful BS into why SCAMMERS write horrible E-Mails - it has to do with Self Selection Of Stupid And Gullible - cool read.
Finally for today - Get A Side Of Butt Cheek At Denny's

BS hasn't forgotten it's sleaze - more soon.
Are you checking out the sidebar? Lots to do and read there for sure. Please support our sponsors too. Thanks.
The book at this link is FREE until 11:59 PM Wednesday June 27th (today) - check it out -  The Real Anomaly Of 9-11-2001.

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