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Friday, June 1, 2012

"The Last Card Is The Alien Card" Alien Invasion Acclimatization

What a great BS title to use in 2012, don't you think? - So, make sure to dig deep into the broth of this link and Website. Are things setting up for some world crash that we all need to be `saved' from? The world does indeed seem increasingly nervous.

398164_Food Insurance
GREAT BLOG alert - - trippy stuff.
BS Blogfinds.
So, onto the sleaze. Is this the Warehouse Whore? - And, you'll need to say you are 18 to see this non-nude High Heeled Chick in a provocative stance. And, you will LOVE  this Archie Comic that --------- believe it or not - uses the line Pearl Necklace. You'll bookmark for forward that one I bet.
Here's an article that exposes the MYTH of `majority rules' - in many `elections' those that ABSTAIN are simply THROWN out -- meaning in an UP or Down vote - that those that say want a school tax increase can get 50.1% of those that vote on a ballot issue --- BUT, due to the fact that others chose to NOT vote either way - a 40% vote WINS - What A Game.
As close to the edge as you will ever see on Barf Stew and a reason to check out every link regardless of how described. Stewable.
The best in UFO's? - Focusing on ONLY the stuff reported in 2012? Sure it's at this great UFO Website.
Thanks for your visit today - please support BS by visiting our sponsors such as Coupons. Com - Much Appreciated. Oh.... there's some in the sidebar too.

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