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Friday, July 27, 2012

Time Perception Within Chaos

BS's most recent posting was the alternative-sideviews of perceptions that didn't quite fit with the now established knowledge of the movie shootings a week ago. You know, second shooters and the like. But, one of the videos not shown but distinctly remembered was one of the first witnesses statements that the shooting was going on for 15-20 minutes.

As you may know, the `shooting' was over in about three minutes ------- but, without question the person who was being interviewed on camera in those first reactions was being totally honest. It did indeed seem to be qualitatively AT LEAST FIVE TIMES IN DURATION to the ACTUAL. The massive amount of sensations and information happening spread out the perception of time. (Could a denial of such sensation and information  REDUCE the perception of time - such as in a `missing time' event?)

Lastly, I find it of interest that the MSM isn't pursing two bits of info about the killer that seemed to be available in those early hours after the shooting. First, it is reported that he started hanging out with the `trench coat types' a bit of time ago. And, it was reported that he actually tried to get a job prior to this ultimate PHD stuff but that THE ONLY JOB HE GOT OFFERED WAS ONE AT McDONALD'S.

Or, would that reflect badly on the economy and hurt the Presidents chances in some manner? Or, somehow put a dent in the pushed American dream that everyone should have a college degree? The BS alright.
Oh, I updated my NEWS blog today based on Reddit Headlines - tons of stuff that your hometown paper Somehow Missed Again - oh, and a girlie pic or two too.
Speaking of pics - how about a Trippy Picture?
More pics more Fun even if you are looking for something a bit more Sleazy - right?
Tons of UFO stuff going on at UFO Disclosure Countdown Clock and it's `best of page' which can be found right here - 2012 UFO Videos And Pictures.
Did you know that if you come listen to me on Beyond the Edge Radio this weekend (Sunday at 8:30) you can WIN an autographed Superman picture by Dean Cain? Check in to see what you'd need to do.
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