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Sunday, August 5, 2012

Maybe A Moron - The Obama-Romney Anagram - More Wordplay

I guess about the only question about the anagram is does it describe the candidates or the people who vote for them. The BS observations on this election cycle so far is typical IMO. We have the media showing the awkward strange religious undergarment wearing Romney vs the hapless it's the republicans fault smirking Obama. 

Indeed, Obama seemingly fits one of the other anagrams of Obama-Romney --- you know, a NAME his opponents would like to pull out of a hat like the college applications rumor that shows Obama applying as a `foreign' student? Indeed, since Obama has already changed his name in his lifetime (doesn't common sense tell one that someone who changes their name at such a young age might have issues) - calling him this anagram would be right up the Republicans alley. The anagram - Merman Ya Boo.

But, then again, two can play at that game of using the anagram of Obama-Romney in a less than flattering way to tag the opponent - so, for Romney the anagram of perhaps - Ray Moonbeam - would do, don't you think?

So, your real choice is between Merman Ya Boo and Ray Moonbeam? Of whom, Maybe A Moron, would vote for them. But wait, women are reporting that the anagram of EACH candidate is stirring something deep within them. After all, obviously, EACH candidate was the most `handsome' of the choices to the general electorate, right? Be honest.

So, with SEX  and THAT in mind - that each party is simply running the best trousers this time around - perhaps there is some deep seated and deep scented ANAGRAM of Obama-Romney working very deep within the subconscious of the female electorate --- an anagram of Obama-Romney that would bring a flush to their faces about how they feel when they secretly fantasize about EACH candidate - the anagram of `Bone My Aroma'. 
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