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Thursday, August 23, 2012

Worthless MSM Pushes Romney Female Voter Gap - Never Mentions Obama's Male Voter Gap

In example 5,678 of media manipulation. Oh, and DON'T be looking for ANY surveys to show you the results by race - cause then, we'd have to talk ab
out Obama's WHITE person voter gap. 

Just sayin.
And, you KNOW that BS loves to entertain that male audience too:
Mighty cool vid - don't you think?
Now, how about why you're here in the first place - sexy images of females - even if they are Virtual - Or near alien looking - or have Impossibly Big Boobs - right?
Entertained yet? Why not check out the archives with over 700 posts this good?
Finally for today - do you want to read a great Science Story with Anomalous Overtones?.
Enjoy my latest Kindle Book Today

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