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Monday, September 24, 2012

Controlling The Dreams Of Rats

Isn't this groovy info? The site I link to about the success and controlling rat dreams is full of ideas about how `They' could do it to you Too. The slippery slope folks.
And, speaking of Slopes.
From the glimmer of hope category - Gary Johnson is on the ballot in 47 States - please don't waste your Presidential vote on a Republinut or a Democrap.
Did you know that UFO Secrets were revealed this weekend and the MSM didn't cover it?
Here is a report certain to tickle your innards - seems that California's debt is a bit higher than first thought - perhaps by a FACTOR OF FIVE Or TEN Times Higher. The breakup isn't far away folks. (Breakup and consolidation is the BS bet. A uniting of Canada, Mexico and the USA and a breakup of the USA into regions.)
Click to read a sample:

Does Russia has a Quadrillion Dollars Of Diamonds? Does that make yours worthless?
Bet you could look at a Quadrillion Of These. Or These, right?
BS does Politics. Classic photo capture of multiple cops on the beat.
Are the Greeks going to go bonkers on September 26th?
Alright, even while this is within the never nude on BS rule - some might consider it NSFW.

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