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Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Will Sandy Bury Obama?

IMO, the odds of a Romney popular vote victory are enhanced by Hurricane Sandy - and the prospects of an Obama electoral vote victory is diminished. That is, unless Romney puts his foot into his mouth in the next few days. Nevertheless, BS stands by it's previous prediction - the first I've seen in print anywhere - that Romney will win the popular vote and Obama will win the Electoral College. Wonder what odds Vegas would offer on the above?
But, you are here for the girls, right? Wanna play with this  Nurse? Or, would you play with this Twosome? Thought so.
Ever wonder about this situation? What if you took all the people in the world and put them in an area of the density of NYC (Paris, etc) - how big would the `city' be? - Very Cool Graphic.
BS Entertains.
How much of this story have you heard? None? - Is Britain about to leave the Euro Union? Seems they are backing out of previous areas of agreement, ... in 133 areas.
Here's a cool video that shows how the impossibly large items in the distant past may have been moved - in this case - the Easter Island statues:
And, here's the link to the fuller story of the above video (cool website too) - Walking The Eastern Island statues.
How about a 1940's propaganda depiction of America ------------ In Germany! This is a must see. Oh, speaking of old wars - here's the words of the last soldier of WW1 - What War Is - BS does politics.
But, as we know, you are here for the girls. Like this picture of Teen Girls Hugging or this probable Pole Entertainer. You can find more pictures like this in nearly all BS posts - 800 of them in the archive now. One more? OK.
Finally, a close look at the informed American Public:
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