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Thursday, January 31, 2013

The Economic Charade Continues

One of the more amusing things about watching the mainstream media faithfully repeat the governments BS line about the economic recovery is the new `upturn from the bottom of the housing mess' talk. Yeah, right. With MILLIONS of empty homes they uptalk a few extra NEW homes for those that refuse to live in the venom of the leftovers of the destroyed American housing dream. Worthless media, worthless politicians - all BS.
Now to the slippery slope stuff - such as our focus on wasting your time with the beautiful female form - They Look Like D's - but, is that paint? Chicks Tease and men please by looking. Future Pole Dancer? Wow. Mardi Gras Girl Downblouse - strong bead count. Erotic Hotties - oh, BTW, IF this blog has the HUGE blank areas it is because of the big G thinking the content is a bit too racy for their advertisers. Please support BS as best you can to ensure the continuation of the slippery slope.
Here's the answer to WHO is `buried' in  outer space (happened in 1997) - Timothy Leary is More Than Dead see who else. Win some trivia with this one.
Timothy Leary Books
Now, you'd NEVER know it IF you only listened to the government sponsored lines on the MSM - but the `anonymous' message on a Government Hacked website last week said the below:
Could anonymous continue the good will by following thru? Find the internet only and censored msm story Here on BS. When will the power players EVER get the idea about the real disgust in the people? BS does Politics.
Speaking of which ---- as more and more old people work to pay endless `interest' on borrowed money to `the fraudster banks' - isn't it interesting to see how those stories are portrayed by folks like CNBC - that the economy FEEDS on those delaying retirement. What a farce.
How about another side glance of the female form? - College guys, are you doing your part to spread the libertarian word of bS?
BS blogfinds -- it's been awhile since I found one I really wanted to share with Barfsters - incredible time wasting content - such as this Optical Illusion of red circles on a house. Groovy.
The blog above has cool images such as the below - called a watercolor method with life:
And here is Erich Kuensten with his best blogfind of literally Trippy Monster Pictures - high minded Barfsters will enjoy this one - and will probably consume seconds.
Today's BS video is was taken on JULY 3rd - which probably says a lot - but, the video certainly is sincere IMO and what is caught -- of a WHITE light emerging from a Red light - is interesting: 20-1 Positive to Negative ratings.

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Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Hawk Snatches Humanely Released Mouse

Truly a Barf Stew classic you will forward if you haven't seen it already: 100-1 Positive to Negative reaction on YouTube.
Now, I know that Barfsters have been waiting nearly a week for this update of exceptional women - Perhaps, Top Heavy? and, Sexy And Sassy Chicks. Finally, nothing but Flat Out HOT and yet another reason to bookmark BS. Oh, alright - one more hot Bikini Beauty.
BS does Hard Politics By Cartoon - can you dig it? 
Ready for another `survey says'? 7% of California Drivers Stoned On Pot --- find out some interesting stuff.
A crashed Disk on Mercury? (A Squidoo and Barf Stew Classic)
Object on Mercury
And, for a bit more on the Crashed `Disc' On Mercury -- kinda BS'y, don't ya think?
Dig into the archive for more tasty morsels. 

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

L. Armstrong - Scumbag Liar

To me, and to other Barfsters I'm sure, nothing is quite as low as saying that folks that are telling the truth are liars when one knows that to not be the case - the very essence of mr lance armstrong. Of course I refer to those that said he was a user and he called them a liar. (NOW, that said, people own their bodies and can put whatever they wish into them as far as I'm concerned.). Scumbag.
BS says what you wish you put into print somewhere.
Say you missed having a sleazy Sunday on BS? How about one more from the sexy mind control arena:
A bit hot? The real slippery slope?
BS does Politics with a biting Libertarian edge. Oh, how is the Fed like the game Monopoly? See Rule 10.
Speaking of games - the game of bathing suits in Beauty Competitions - please vote up all cameltoes, right? OHHHH Miss Canada. ............. Now that you are worked up - White Bikini CT - one of the best CT's I've seen in competition. 
Speaking of bikini's - it turns out that bikini waxes are reducing the incidence of the `crabs'. Indeed, the survey says that 80% of all US college students shave the pubic area - who knows what other facts are at the link, right? Waxing makes for a slippery slope.
Oh, here's a real treat - seriously - a number of images from the Mariana Trench -- one has to wonder if these hellish depths are made for creatures that look Hellish - you'll forward this I bet.
How heavy is a Shaman when you encounter one? Read this account of meeting Lujan Matus for the first time.

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Does CNBC Sense The Fiat Money System Is In Trouble?

If one is looking for real information in the USA - one doesn't need to even include the three major networks. But, the supremacy of money in the world and the need for that money to find truthful information is indeed held sacred by the folks at CNBC. And, more and more, the casual Joe can sense the feeling behind the pundits and talking heads - .... that the game of fiat money is nearly over for this round of society. Time will tell. As we all know, once the USA would have to pay even 4 or 5 % on our debt - the system will collapse. Ahhhhh the advantages of being the world's currency. Barf or Stew - it's up to you!
Now BS knows that you are often here to see the worlds most amazing women, correct? All Extremes - makes breast feeding easier don't you think? Perhaps all game rooms should consider this a new Dress Code? Couple more..... Sexy Self Shot

Did you know that you will have a TV invitation to a 110 Million Dollar Party That You Funded? ------- BS does politics. 
And, speaking of Politics - the Feds finally seem to be getting the fed up message of the public. Yet Another Example to which I can relate.
Did you catch this Barf about the 12 year old and 14 year old sisters who ended up crashing cars into each other? Sordid details in link.
The new `Crazy Bastard' standard:
So, was John McAfee Spying On Belize? - the additional word with the rest of the story the MSM has decided to skip.
BS does politics. Such as this Doublespeak we all have to endure from the suck up media beholden to the slimy politicians. Speaking of Which, perhaps it's not all political.

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Sunday, January 6, 2013

Arousal Overrides Disgust In Sex

Take a drink with an insect in it - a once bitten cookie next to a worm - and a used hanky, and what do you get? The findings that lead to today's BS headline AND this quote:
Women in the "aroused group" said they found both the unpleasant tasks and the sex-related tasks less disgusting than women in the other groups. They also completed the highest percentage of the activities, suggesting that sexual arousal not only decreases feelings of disgust, but directly affects what women are willing to do, the study shows.
Oh, the three groups of women also lubricated a vibrator - you might want to know more about this research by clicking the Huffington Post article here - Arousal Overcome Disgust - scientific yet somewhat sleazy BS as only the HP can do it.
===============================So, did you hear of the robbery of 1/4th of Canada's Strategic Maple Syrup Reserve? - What, you never heard of why Canada has a MSR? They say it's a sticky inside job.
Speaking of sticky and sleazy - and it is Sunday.....

BS's favorite hypno girls.
BS as Barfsters know - is famous for strangeness, sleaziness and sexiness - such as this picture that Combines Both - don't miss the one girls `hand' (must be Halloween). Boys know that girls tease by showing Tiny Bra Straps, and a bit of cleavage. And finally - how about using a Sexy Body to protest societies uptightness? BS, new ways of sexy Sunday.
How about the back story about the new Alien Photo From China? Picture below:
We'll take the above photo to be in the BS category.
Does this picture prove that the 1970's Never Died? BS does politics.
Entertained yet?
The latest post by Erich Kuersten is about the 2012 that didn't occur and also has his top posts from 2012 - not a bad combination.
Couple more sexy pictures to make sure our college boys read to the bottom of the page - Going Down? --- And, mix that in with a Cannabis Cheat Sheet and One Final Handbra hottie and I think BS is done for today.
Please visit the store of our latest affiliate:

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Far From Rising Above - Congress Slithers Under

The beyond worthless political system once again showed its true colors to end and start our newest year. Once again, the BRIBED and worthless MSM will fawn over the deal and then totally look elsewhere until the next political crisis raises it's head next month (the real cliff of no money in the Treasury). Yet, NOT ONE person or man on the street will be allowed on TV who suggests that it is time to REPLACE the `two party system'. So, until the end of February, when our worthless slimy politicians will do it all again, kicking the can further down the road - enjoy the new year of Barf Stew.
May I assume that last years joke `what is the difference between Greece and the USA' with the answer `Six Years' - now has an answer of FIVE.
Pretty women? Consider it a main course at the Stew - BS Loves Tiny Bikini's and Naughty Young Women who were designed to tease. And, we need to thank the lucky guy who sat across from These Sexy Lasses on public transportation - don't you think?  Finally for this set - Braces And Boobs - A Dangerous Combination. BS will not back off the sexy stuff in 13 despite the Google Slap for doing it. All BS sexy content will continue to be NON nude and rated slippery slope PG.
Tell a buddy about BS today.
BS is also known for edgey paranormalish reads - like this one from IO9 examining what humans might be like after Uploading Of Brains Begins To Happen? Real deep thoughts, some barf and some very stewworthy.
Did you know - That there are NO sewers in Dubai? My thanks to my buddy Joel for bringing this to my attention - as you can see, it's called the Poop Snake.
How's that for the very definition of BS?
Just as this is the very definition of Young Non Nude Beauty and this Natural Stage Performer. As Barfsters know, sexy pictures like these are a main ingredient - like This Happy Honey and perhaps our final Seasonal Beauty - a great package for the tree area.
Amazing BS Golf Shot:
Thanks for checking out our BS affiliates - such as Second Life!