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Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Far From Rising Above - Congress Slithers Under

The beyond worthless political system once again showed its true colors to end and start our newest year. Once again, the BRIBED and worthless MSM will fawn over the deal and then totally look elsewhere until the next political crisis raises it's head next month (the real cliff of no money in the Treasury). Yet, NOT ONE person or man on the street will be allowed on TV who suggests that it is time to REPLACE the `two party system'. So, until the end of February, when our worthless slimy politicians will do it all again, kicking the can further down the road - enjoy the new year of Barf Stew.
May I assume that last years joke `what is the difference between Greece and the USA' with the answer `Six Years' - now has an answer of FIVE.
Pretty women? Consider it a main course at the Stew - BS Loves Tiny Bikini's and Naughty Young Women who were designed to tease. And, we need to thank the lucky guy who sat across from These Sexy Lasses on public transportation - don't you think?  Finally for this set - Braces And Boobs - A Dangerous Combination. BS will not back off the sexy stuff in 13 despite the Google Slap for doing it. All BS sexy content will continue to be NON nude and rated slippery slope PG.
Tell a buddy about BS today.
BS is also known for edgey paranormalish reads - like this one from IO9 examining what humans might be like after Uploading Of Brains Begins To Happen? Real deep thoughts, some barf and some very stewworthy.
Did you know - That there are NO sewers in Dubai? My thanks to my buddy Joel for bringing this to my attention - as you can see, it's called the Poop Snake.
How's that for the very definition of BS?
Just as this is the very definition of Young Non Nude Beauty and this Natural Stage Performer. As Barfsters know, sexy pictures like these are a main ingredient - like This Happy Honey and perhaps our final Seasonal Beauty - a great package for the tree area.
Amazing BS Golf Shot:
Thanks for checking out our BS affiliates - such as Second Life!

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