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Wednesday, April 3, 2013

The Robot Reality: Service Jobs Are Next to Go

Why pay 30K a year for a barely over minimum wage `worker', right? When you can BUY a `worker' (read robot) for LIFE for about the same amount? (And none of those pesky days off or need for healthcare insurance.) THAT folks is the coming reality in just a few years for the `developed' countries. Makes you all warm and fuzzy inside right. A CNBC Link - the money connection to truth.SSSHHHHH no one has told the MSM yet or the sheeple that listen to them expecting the robots to `free' us. The future is so bright we will all be wearing shades.
The BS attitude that no one dares touch.
Here's an interesting read about `soda's' - and how they peaked in 99 and have been going downhill in terms of share since 2005 - it includes the top 10 soda's and data that indicates that on a per cap basis our US consumption is at the lowest level since 1996. Win some bets with the data you read here.
But, you are here to see the sexy pictures, right? Naughty Santa Elves? - might need a spanking? ..... I don't know if they become more BookMarkAble than this one...... 
Oh no for the bad guys...... first pot is shown to inhibit cancer and now it's shown to decreased-prevalence-of-diabetes --- oh my. Funny how the MSM never seems to find these stories or cover or recover them. Guess it makes those re-runs of COPS where they are constantly busting adults for choosing pot over other substances less attractive?
Where's the `paraNormal' slippery slope stuff? Right here..... How about a blog called AlienEight? ufos-in-sri-lanka --- I'll be covering more from this blog in the future.
Have you voted in the one question poll at the top of this column - I'd appreciate it. Thanks.
Below you will find my book covers for my Kindle books - please read a sample!

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