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Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Ghostly Face In Window?

To find content for my UFO blog I sometimes look for videos by `state' - and when I do so - I often find other `anomalous' material to feature at BS the next day. And, today's `Ghost Video' from South Dakota is no exception - it is pretty cool but one would think is also ...... The BS. 500 views in over 4 years.
The BS - Entertains.
Ready for another sad commentary on the police overreach in America? How about a 2,500.00 fine for a 3 year old peeing in his own front yard? Police Over-Reach - IF you read the comments you will also find out the ultimate outcome for the cop that `sits at the end of the street'.
Speaking of the police and `arrests' (and supporting endlessly the broken political system) -- No Arrests on Wall Street, But Over 7,700 Americans Have Been Arrested Protesting Big Banks..... your vendetta mask is in the sidebar.
The Bitcoin ATM

I think a 5 or 20 dropped INTO one of these machines may pay off mightily someday.
The BS - Covers It.
Your New Screensaver?
A springy day at the beach
The BS..... All Kinds Of Beauty!
Like the beauty of the Female Form ..... and.... Sexy Bikini's.

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