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Thursday, June 6, 2013

A BS UFO Video Two?

261857_1111_vampire_BR_300x250Where's the sound? Why does the second `light' replicate as if on a wire between two points? Is that a star in the sky?........... Why no sound or attribution for the video?
Perhaps a Sexy Repeat but who cares, right? 2,3,4,1?......Hubba-Hubba or yowser in more common language.
Kindergarten Cops?
The BS Sleaze

More on the changing landscape of digital currency (read Bitcoin) -- the choice seems to be to regulate or evaporate. The real BS just beginning to take form.
Entertained yet?
Speaking of BS - John Wall asks - What Moon Bases? as he too flips out on the ridiculous exo-politics folks.
The Obama Recovery
The Barf Stew - Share it on your Facebook Page IF you dare!
you need this

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