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Friday, June 14, 2013

African `Penis Snatching' Crime Spree

261857_1111_vampire_BR_300x250In what reads like a story out of the Onion - a mysterious stranger, later gunned down, - could electrify with a handshake the removal of a mans penis. It's what passes for a story about Africa in the MSM. The sleazy BS.
And here's one that will make your heart flutter with happiness - yes, yet another overpaid, overstaffed police force `enforcing' the drug policy of the worthless politicians..... Speaking of sleaze.....
Ultimate Non-Nude Picture? ---- Yeah, don't miss this. As the very definition of Non-Nude slides down the slippery slope before your very eyes. What is nudity? For example Too-Two. Most likely NSFW, granted, but nude - I think not.
Could a company called Gazprom topple the impossible to remove Putin? Could it be that we have never heard of GAZPROM because it implicates powerful people in corruption? The way our FREE press loves the politicians who of course wouldn't be corrupt or do corrupt things (like the prison industry as one example of many). THE BS.
Is this The BS?
Sleaze, as only The BS can do.

BTW, did you ever see my `news' blog - the one that also features pictures like the one above from Reddit? - My other news blog is called My Reddit Headlines. I think you'll LIKE the BS over there too. You're Welcome.
IF you are new here, you gotta visit the sidebar before you leave or you WILL have left chips on the table.

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