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Monday, June 10, 2013

Excellent Poltergeist Footage - With Story

261857_1111_vampire_BR_300x250I've featured this dude before - he claims he has been haunted by a poltergeist that has been following him over time. He has OVER 100 videos to prove it........... Now, the story..... he decided to lay off of recording the poltergeist for 2 months and last week relented and decided to set up his tripod again. And, while in the other room playing bass guitar on `Let It Be' - guess what happened?
And, what do YOU call the night before Halloween? The real BS. Cool graphic. I knew an answer - then again, I grew up across the lake from Detroit.
But, you are here to see the sexy chicks, right? Like a gal who would be very comfortable Petting Your Snake - right? Don't look at me, you're the one cruising the internet for sexy non-nude stuff. Like girls Asking For it?.... Naughty Naughty. Entertained Yet?
Speaking of The BS - The Robot Unicorn Attack will make the economy BIGGER in July..... but.... not Growing Faster..... learn more about this at this CNBC link. Barf Stew and the Intangibles.
Speaking of sleazy attacks:
And, the same guy that does the above blog - GhostSex - does this too - called Droplets Of Fantasy:
More Fantasy Droplets
THE Barf Stew - Certainly you are entertained by now, right?
This just in from CNBC - Social Media A Bust For Small Businesses - interesting BS read.
Dressed like she is applying for a job as a Stripper? ..... BS Entertains.

The BS - Politics & Sleaze Stew - Entertaining, yet, disgusting.
the bs defender
582607_TASER logo
your bug out plan

entertained yet?

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