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Thursday, July 11, 2013

Corruption Worsens Amid Deep Distrust of Government

261857_1111_vampire_BR_300x250This is a CNBC link - the station who's focus is MONEY - the thing that needs the best approximation of `truth' to survive. CNBC in that sense, tries to bring about real information The BS finds. In this `story' it shows that WORLDWIDE - 25% of humans paid BRIBES to officials of `the government' -- often the officiators of the government policy - THE JUDGES and the POLICE. Cute right? -- Here's many more details of how simply shitty the Entrenched Political Systems Of The World Are!
The BS does the `messy stuff' your local 5PM news avoids.
Such As This Too
The BS...... Does Politics
The BS, Simple And Visual, The Way You Like It!
crawl in
The BS's - Sexy Photos
A Visual Data Display For Crime In One USA City
By The City Block
Is it the crime that brings the focus or the focus that brings the crime?
The BS, On So Many Levels
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I found this `paranormal' website on my Twitter feed - some serious and entertaining ParaNormal Blogging - a blogfind.
What American PC Has Become
`The School Permission Slip'
Speaking of Children
Many Are Using Medical Marijuana
you'd never know it by the MSM of course as your local news is still treating SWAT team busts of marijuana as real news
Speaking of Children
only in Russia
Embarrassingly Sexy
The BS Entertains
See You Tomorrow?

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