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Monday, July 8, 2013

Drone Operator Comes Forward

261857_1111_vampire_BR_300x250As you know, The BS brings you things the MSM would simply rather not talk about - like real things that might actually matter.......... This is a top notch video, a short interview with an American Drone operator.... it's a bit chilling.

the kinda job a robot would love - don't you think?
The BS Worth Sharing
on so many levels
Meanwhile.... In Egypt
The BS, Does The Politics You Wish The MSM Did
Hottie On A Bike
Today's BS Sexy Photos
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Friendly Exchange
The BS - Because It's Entertaining
Can Americans Stand The Embarrassment? 
Meet The Shaman's Of Equador - Seriously!
In other BS news
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Barf Stewiest GIF Of The Day
bet you send this to someone
We'll See You Tomorrow At The BS

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