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Saturday, July 20, 2013

Remember When Defections Went The Opposite Way?
One would THINK that the USA government would find this embarrassing. Not in 2013 America however as the ONE party system is finally catching up.
261857_1111_vampire_BR_300x250Simple Sexy Stuff - The BS
Sexy BS Photos
Teased Truckers All Day
Be Prudent

Not A Sell Out Like The Other Lawyers
The Hilarious Thing, Of Course, Is That Pot Probably IS A Performance Enhancer Via Consciousness
`straights, or squares, are indeed, probably, at a dis-advantage
The BS - Pushes Back
Drones - Everyone's Favorite

And, Finally
percentage of water dogs actually drink percentage of water dogs actually drink
BS Humor
tell a buddy about it
interactions with the BS sidebar greatly appreciated - lots of strange products and books to check out on this page so look around

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