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Thursday, July 4, 2013

The American Dream - Now Uncertain!

261857_1111_vampire_BR_300x250As informed folks know - the `Obama Recovery' has only returned the top 7% of Americans to the point where they were before the crash of the Great Recession - which continues for the other 93%. The `talk it up' spirit of the MSM is finally somewhat tempered as they don't want to get too out of whack with the rest of America. And, articleS like this - which actually lay out an element of truth about Americans `getting ahead' - may finally be getting into the Brains And Dreams Of Americans in 2013. A CNBC link.
Real Politics on The BS
The BS - does Politics
The BS Style Of 

The BS does Sexy Pictures
Did Someone Say Sexy?
Liquor Bath?
Lip Biters Are So Hot!
Once George Carlan Said There Were 7 Forbidden Words - That Is Now 300 According To The NSA
• 2600
• Abu Sayyaf
• Afghanistan
• Agriculture
• Agro
• Agro Terror
• Aid
• Airplane (and derivatives)
• Airport
• Al Qaeda (all spellings)
• Al-Shabaab
• Ammonium nitrate
• Anthrax
• Antiviral
• AQAP (AL Qaeda Arabian Peninsula)
• AQIM (Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb)
• Arellano-Felix
• Artistic Assassins
• Assassination
• Attack
• Attack
• Avalanche
• Avian
• Bacteria
• Barrio Azteca
• Basque Separatists
• Beltran-Leyva
• Biological
• Biological infection (orevent)
• Biological weapon
• Black out
• Blister agent
• Blizzard
• Body scanner
• Bomb (squad or threat)
• Border
• Botnet
• Breach
• Bridge
• Brown out
• Brown out
• Brush fire
• Brute forcing
• Burn
• Burst
• Bust
• Cain and abel
• Calderon
• Cancelled
• Car bomb
• Cartel
• Cartel de Golfo
• Center for Disease Control (CDC)
• Chemical
• Chemical agent
• Chemical burn
• Chemical fire
• Chemical spill
• Chemical weapon
• China
• CIKR (Critical Infrastructure & Key Resources)
• Ciudad Juarez
• Closure
• Cloud
• Cocaine
• Collapse
• Colombia
• Communications
• Computer infrastructure
• Conficker
• Consular
• Contamination
• Conventional weapon
• Cops
• Crash
• Crest
• Critical infrastructure
• Cyber attack
• Cyber Command
• Cyber security
• Cyber terror
• DDOS (dedicated denial of service)
• Deaths
• Decapitated
• Delays
• Denial of service
• Dirty bomb
• Dirty bomb
• Disaster assistance
• Disaster management
• Disaster medical assistance team (DMAT)
• Disaster
• DNDO (Domestic Nuclear Detection Office)
• Dock
• Domestic nuclear detection
• Domestic security
• Drill
• Drug Administration (FDA)
• Drug cartel
• Drug trade
Drug war
• E. Coli
• Earthquake
• Ebola
• Eco terrorism
• El Paso
• Electric
• Emergency
• Emergency Broadcast System
• Emergency Landing
• Emergency management
• Emergency response
• Enriched
• Environmental terrorist
• Epidemic
• Epidemic
• equivalents)
• Erosion
• ETA (Euskadi ta Askatasuna)
• Evacuation
• Evacuation
• Execution
• Exercise
• Explosion (explosive)
• Exposure
• Exposure
• Extreme weather
• Extremism
• Facility
• Failure or outage
• FARC (Armed Revolutionary
• First responder
• Flood
• Flu
• Food Poisoning
• Foot and Mouth (FMD)
• Forces Colombia)
• Forest fire
• Fort Hancock
• Fundamentalism
• Gang
• Gangs
• Gas
• Grid
• Gulf Cartel
• Gunfight
• Guzman
• H1N1
• H5N1
• Hacker
• Hail
• Hamas
• Hazardous
• Hazardous material incident
• Hazmat
• Help
• Heroin
• Hezbollah
• Home grown
Homeland security
• Hostage
• Human to Animal
• Human to human
• Hurricane
• Ice
• IED (Improvised Explosive Device)
Illegal immigrants
• Improvised explosive device
• Incident
• Industrial spill
• Infection
• Infection
• Influenza
• infrastructure
• Infrastructure security
• Interstate
• IRA (Irish Republican Army)
• Iran
• Islamist
• Jihad
• Juarez
• Keylogger
• Kidnap
• La Familia
Law enforcement Authorities
• Leak
• Lightening
• Listeria
• Lockdown
• Looting
• Los Zetas
• Magnitude
• Malware
• Mara salvatrucha
• Maritime domain awareness (MDA)
• Matamoros
• Meth Lab
• Methamphetamine
• Metro
• Mexican army
• Mexicles
• Mexico
• Michoacana
• Militia
• Mitigation
• MS13 or MS-13
• Mud slide or Mudslide
• Mutation
• Mysql injection
• Narco banners (Spanish
• Narcos
• Narcotics
• National infrastructure
• National laboratory
• National preparedness
• National preparedness initiative
• National security
• Nationalist
• NBIC (National Biosurveillance Integration Center)
• Nerve agent
• New Federation
• Nigeria
• Nogales
• North Korea
• Norvo Virus
• Nuclear facility
• Nuclear threat
• Nuclear
• Nuevo Leon
• Organized crime
• Outbreak
• Pakistan
• Pandemic
• Phishing
• Phreaking
• Pipe bomb
• Pirates
• Plague
• PLF (Palestine Liberation Front)
• PLO (Palestine Liberation Organization)
• Plot
• Plume
• Pork
• Port
• Port Authority
• Powder (white)
• Power lines
• Power outage
• Prevention
• Public Health
• Quarantine
• Radiation
• Radicals
• Radioactive
• Recall
• Recruitment
• Relief
• Resistant
• Response
• Reynosa
• Reyosa
• Rootkit
• Salmonella
• San Diego
• Sarin
• Scammers
• Screening
• Security
• Service disruption
• Shooting
• Shootout
• Shots fired
• Sinaloa
• Sleet
• Small Pox
Smuggling (smugglers)
• Snow
Social media
• Somalia
• Sonora
• Southwest
• Spammer
• Spillover
• Standoff
• State of emergency
• Storm
• Strain
• Stranded/Stuck
• Subway
• Suicide attack
• Suicide bomber
• Suspicious package/device
• Suspicious substance
• Swine
• Symptoms
• Taliban
• Tamaulipas
• Tamiflu
• Tamil Tigers
• Target
• Telecommunications
• Temblor
• Terrorism
• Terror
• Threat
• Tijuana
• Tornado
• Torreon
• Toxic
• Trafficking
• Transportation security
• Tremor
• Trojan
• Tsunami Warning Center
• TTP (Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan)
• Tuberculosis (TB)
• Twister
• Typhoon
• U.S. Consulate
• Vaccine
• Violence
• Viral Hemorrhagic Fever
• Virus
• Virus
• Warning
• Watch
• Water/air borne
• Wave
• Weapons cache
• Weapons grade
• Wildfire
• World Health Organization (WHO) (and components)
• Worm
• Yemen
• Yuma



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