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Monday, July 15, 2013

The Structure Of Romantic And Sexual Relations At One High School

261857_1111_vampire_BR_300x250In a Six Month Period
what, no `self-workers'?
only 2 same sex encounters in all this?
Senior Prom?
not like you remember it
the reason for the above graphic
Two Years Later Perhaps?
who says high school doesn't provide training for future employment?
The Slippery Slope Of The BS
hard to swallow perhaps
The BS's - Sexy Photos
Meanwhile..... In Atlanta
2016, the pushback
the paul revolution
The BS - Does Politics
Is it politics or science? Seems that the `missing energy' of our oceans has been found - Think DEEP Ocean - interesting science read that will give you a step up on your circle of friends - after all you are a Barfster.
The BS

the slippery slope of inappropriate 

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