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Saturday, August 17, 2013

A UFO Proof Website

261857_1111_vampire_BR_300x250All about the `Majestic Documents' - wade through an hour of fact, innuendo and disinformation - and be entertained by nearly all of it. A very worthy read if you really want to know the full extent of what MAY have been going on with ET's and the USA in the 1940's and 50's (mainly). 
The BS is all over the place!
OTHER BS To Report
Google went dark for some unexplained reason on ALL its platforms yesterday evening - as a result - the world internet traffic dropped an Astonishing 40% and they've got a graph to prove it.
THE BS Will Be Confronted
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The BS does Politics
And, from the `perhaps they should have read the bill first' category - comes the new regulations of Obamacare that evidently will permit the Feds to intervene into your home for a number of reasons - from smoking tobacco to having served in the armed forces - it gets sicker - you may want to read the Provisions That May Invoke A Fed Into Your Home - you know, nasty stuff like home schooling. etc.
BS Photo Gallery
Amazon Picks

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