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Monday, August 26, 2013

The 2013 Warning About Miley Cyrus In 2008 - Has It Come True?

The BullSleaze Today261857_1111_vampire_BR_300x250

Last nights VMA's, Reddit this morning and the below content all make for the perfect BS storm:
To This
To This
To This
To This
And, finally, Miley's Mom At The Event
The BS Entertains
Oh, BTW, expect a new bumper sticker to be on The BS soon for your purchase.
Gotta Have A Sexy BS Gallery After All This, Right?
Tight Red Dress
Artsy Classic Cheesecake
The Barf-Stew - Seconds?
IF you need more entertainment, this is what I offer on my Squidoo Pages - I assure you, you will be entertained.
More Inappropriate Amazon Products 
Halloween Is Approaching Perhaps This Year You Go As A Doctor?

Naughty Roasting Sticks Perhaps?

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