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Thursday, September 5, 2013

Women Selling Positive Pregnancy Tests On Craigslist

261857_1111_vampire_BR_300x250In the world where everything has a price and profit - it's perhaps surprising it's taken this long ---- selling the + symbols on those sticks......... `Wanna Make Him Pop The Question' ... is the `come' on.......Link To Story

The BS Gallery
The BS Gallery
Sexy Stunner
Very Short Skirt
The BS Does Politics
slippery slopes abound
Okay, so a 94 year old military guys supposedly spills the beans about Roswell and the alien influence - a snippet of this well done posting is below:
Commander George Hoover had finally revealed what he really knew about Roswell. He explained the truth as he had learned it all those decades ago:
· UFOs are not the "biggest secret" - it is the entities behind them that was of most concern
· Roswell was in fact a crash event of "visitors from somewhere else"
· The entities were "not so much interplanetary as much as they were literally also time travelers." They are extra-temporal.
· The visitors are clearly "from the future." There is reason to believe that they may even be "us" from a future Earth.
· These "future humans" have the ability to "manipulate reality around us."
· The government feared the intentions and abilities of the "visitors"
· These visitors are able to use the power of consciousness in extraordinary ways to morph reality
· We human beings are far more powerful in potential than we ever dreamed that we are. We don't yet comprehend our extraordinary future capabilities.
· The visitors remain at essence though "corporeal" and "physical" - and secret attempts at reverse-engineering the visitor's crash material were made

Actually, I like these theories quite a bit and it largely fits with my ideas of a phenomenology about this UFO phenomena that involves belief systems and our reality structure that allows for `here' events that include `non-now' moments.
Finally for today - I bring to you a UFO video from just the last two weeks - shot in Georgia by an avid sky watcher with lots of sky videos (mainly Chemtrails) - it's BS worthy:
About a 6-1 positive to negative reading by YTube voters - with over 110K views in that short period.

Please check out my Kindle Book And Chemtrail Bumper Sticker below - please support the BS!
The Unspeakable

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