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Wednesday, October 9, 2013

September 13th (2013) Was The Happiest Day Of The Year (non-holiday) (Twitter Stats)

The BS Presents A NEW Special Link To Sexy Pictures Of Women And Girls Early 1900's Style
I couldn't get the picture to load so you will have to see it to believe it here - Friday September 13th - Happiest Day Of The Year
Not BS
Russian Speed Bump
 Inappropriate BS Humor
Prank gone bad, hoax, scammer for insurance?

Or, Simply The BS?
And, Near Russia
Simply Cute
The Darwin Effect Barely Misses

Entertained Yet?
Have you seen The BS archive?
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The Creepy Robot Future
continuing The Creepiness
The BS does ParaNormal Too
Accosted By Succubus
tons of comments too
And, Sexy Girls Are A Mainstay Of The BS

The `I will say yes' Dress
money in your pocket by NEXT week
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