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Monday, November 25, 2013

Patriotism or Vandalism? Freedom Fighters Spraypaint Over Speeding Cameras

Passive technology government revenue generators.... BS like this.... of course the MSM would ignore any pushback.... Read More --- now you know the BS.
THE BS Does Politics
Speaking of Pushback
 Using Technology For Fitness?
The BS Gallery
The BS - Inappropriate Political Ideas
Food of the Gods: The Search for the Original Tree of Knowledge A Radical History of Plants, Drugs, and Human Evolution
McKenna Books Above
Inappropriate Humor
The Last Great Generation
Because, The BS Entertains
REAL BS? How about the under coverage of the MSM for World Toilet Day which strives to bring to the attention of the masses that the worthless world leaders still let over 2.4 billion people crap on the ground.
The BS does Politics
most likely fewer crapped on the ground in the good old days
THE BS for the ages and aged
kiss the girls goodbye?
real tease
Making Sure The College Students Hang Around
The archive is approaching 1000 posts this good - have you explored it lately?
Nothing Like The Original
Under 11 Bucks

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Wait - Say What? ---- Russian GPS Towers On USA Land?

The suspicion is that they could be used for Spying - indeed - DUH. What BS.... or,... could it be for us to spy on them? Food for thought in an upside down world..... Oh, that's right - it's okay... a profit is involved. The Real BS.
The BS does Politics
Only In America?

Graffiti Porn
no porn below - the BS only has non-nude
The BS Gallery
Top To Bottom Cleavage
Wild American Cowgirl
Please Aim Carefully
Below The Fold And Above The Hemline On Sexy Sunday
Who cares about Russia on our soil, right? Not when you are here to see the Russian Beauty below on our soil:

Sidewalk Drunk Girls - Could Be A Name For A Website
The Slippery Slope Of Legal Drugs
Progressive Iran?
Seems That Over 40,000 People Aged 10-14 Got Married In 2010 - Oh, And They Just Legalized The Marriage Of Adopted Daughters To Fathers
the perversity continues

Pantie Flashing Drunk
A few more for Sexy Sunday?
Sexy Young Woman
Your Final Shot
Sexy YouTube?

Nearly a thousand posts this good in the archive - it's time to explore, don't you think? Enter via the labels in the lower part of the sidebar at your left.
need upcoming gifts for some special friends?
Amazon Choices For BS A..holes

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Alaska Dividend - 900 Dollars Each Person

One of the most under-reported stories in the MSM is when EACH AND EVERY Alaskan is PAID by their state - this years story is HereURL of picture
Shouldn't EVERY state pay something based on what it owns and collects taxes for? Can it be long before TEXAS does the same and changes the whole ballgame for the lower 48? Or North Dakota? Wouldn't this ALSO be a way to give a bit of advantage to LEGAL citizens of a state?
Or, would that be BS?
The Below IS Amazon

Friday, November 22, 2013

Navy Secrets Bought With Hookers And GAGA Tickets

Nothing at all unusual here - just another scandal involving the military - this time you can throw Millions In `Extra' Charges and Phony Tariffs too. The BS that the MSM doesn't even bother to mention in any real sense. They simply strike up the themes of affection on the appropriate holidays.
THE BS does Politics.
Speaking Of Being GAGA
As Usual, The BS Has Great Pics For You Today

Marley, Harrison Meet For First Time
Another on-stage Performer
Pokie - Cameltoe Work Outfit
The BS Entertains
Today's BS Gallery
2,5,6,4,1,3 ?
Delightful Downblouse
Dry Humps, The New Thing
The BS Entertains

Now, THE BS is also known for its `ParaNormal' coverage - and today The BS presents what happens when one takes DMT and LSD at the same time - with buddies - in the perfect setting!
This is tale of my first (and successful) attempt at breaking through on DMT.
At long last, I had finally obtained the Spirit Molecule; it was in the form of changa. I also had happened upon 2 hits of fairly clean acid, about 100ug a hit. The setting was a clearing surrounded by a pine forest at a friend’s house. My two close smoke buddies that were with me ate mushrooms; one, Pharell, ate two grams, as it was hit first time. The other, Trey, ate an eighth as this was not his first go-round.
We all dosed in the late afternoon, swimming in a pool and hanging out until night fell. When I was peaking on the acid, I knew it was time. Our group of psychonauts strolled to the side of Trey’s barn and sat in a circle, bong in hand. I loaded a large bowl on changa; I wasn’t going to have to pack another hit. After several minutes of preparing myself, I finally began ripping it. I could see the bong getting milky; I continued to hit it. I could feel a pressure building in my head. I pulled the bowl and cleared it, looking up at Pharell as I did so.
I heard him echo, “He’s gone…gone…gone…”
I truly was gone. Before I could finish exhaling, I closed my eyes and laid down, because I had left this dimension. Actually, left isn’t the right terminology. My consciousness was ripped forcibly from my body and cannoned into oblivion. In the beginning portion of the DMT trip, it was more of a vision; rushing at me, like I was on a roller coaster. A long dragon snaked my visual field, rushing into me, through me. It had a message for me. “THIS IS DMT. THIS IS DMT. THIS IS DMT!
I faced another sudden shift. Now I was.....
Yeah, Weirdness!
and remember - you saw it first on the bs
THE slippery slope of entertainment

Thursday, November 21, 2013

How About Instead Of Putting The Federal Reserve Money IN At The TOP - They Put It IN At The Bottom?

As many to most of all Barfsters are aware - we live in a fiat currency world - aka, fake money. Each month right now in the USA alone they continue the masquerade of the fake cash with the hocus-pocus they do with the banks and bonds each and every month..... as you know, the Fed's actions are supposedly the only thing that kept us all from the streets the last time the system blew up in 2008. Supposedly.

But, how about this idea - now that the `wealth' has been returned to the `wealthy' for the full `wealth effect' (of a trickle down economy).... why not.... still give the money to the banks and money institutions... except let that be used to write down the DEBT of the common man that is had by that institution - say all debt incurred or ongoing by a certain date - MONTHLY. Each month the billable amount to millions of folks decreases as does their balance - the bank LOSES nothing at all - and more discretionary income is available for spending to trickle to the top of those that own the resources. Reducing debt increases spending....

HUH?....................... DUH? Somehow the BS doesn't find it at all surprising that the government would have it ass backwards.
Got a rant for THE BS? Send it into the comments and it can appear here. BTW, all comments are MONITORED - and I do not allow them to be used to push your website or product. Anyway, if you'd like your idea or gripe to be read by many... send it in.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

That Columbia `Chupacabra' Video

That Columbia Chupacabra Video

BS Humor
Speaking of eating Tacos
The BS Entertains
The BS Gallery
Octoberfest Leftover
She Knows
Why You Check Out The BS Picture Gallery
Starline Women's Private Lessons Costume Set, Black, Small =================================
Barfsters Love The Inappropriate
An OMG Picture

Gonna Learn A Lot On That First Lesson
Speaking Of Top Quality
You know how slapping the word `Amish' on anything implies well made? Well this guy is doing the same for Hippies - why not see what he is selling.... and support the movement.
Speaking of ICONIC

Ali Wins - 1966
The Politics That Doesn't Seem To Make Your TV
And, speaking of movement -- seems that the USA has broke another record... well kinda -- more folks have renounced citizenship in 2013 and there is STILL 3 months to include in the on-going data. Find out the actual number.
Have you told a buddy about Barfstew yet?
And Finally, A Man High On LSD Reported This!
Wouldn't You?

The BS Entertains
an Amazon Offering
an Amazon Offering