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Thursday, April 24, 2014

Politician Uses Police Against Parody Maker - Judges Sign Off!

The small town America mayor isn't worth mentioning by name - but - why is it you only read about this on THE BS? I mean the coziness between the politicians, the cops and the judges is beyond even whispers on the MSM.... but, the folks know the BS ....... Corruption In Peoria .... land of the free.
The BS covers the barf the MSM would rather not touch.
The BS Gallery
The New Addiction
Vintage Sexy

Bewitched Alright
Crusted Bites Of BS
POWDERED Alcohol Is Coming - Just Add Water For Rum, etc..
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Whistleblower Info On The Global Elite
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And, welcome to the world of Reddit!
Another Haunted Ohio University Story
And, this one doesn't involve the nut house.
The Slippery Slope Of The BS

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