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Sunday, May 18, 2014

Sexy Sunday

Hey Barfsters - rainy days mean lots of pics in the Gallery today for your browsing...... as usual there will be other suspects:
The BS Gallery
you may want to bookmark the BS right now don't you think? There are TONS of pictures like this on The BS, 1000 posts worth - If you are new you have missed 1000's like this. It's why there are so many Barfsters. So, newbie, sit back and click a few ADS too - (after the girls of course).
Looks Pretty Evolved To Me
THE BS - does Politics
The BS of the USA
The BS Entertains
The Talk Is Always Of American Ingenuity 
along with a get out of the way attitude?
bs humor
On the other hand, the bank fraudsters who inflict their fraud on the world.... wonder aloud what has happened to the American spirit of being an entrepreneur - because as you see in this Story that being in business for yourself has never been a smaller percentage of the total business scene:
(an excerpt)
Americans started 27 percent fewer businesses in 2011 than they did five years earlier, according to data from the Census Bureau. As a share of all companies, startups have been declining for more than 30 years.
Or is the above BS as proven by Paypal and it's figures not even being considered largely?
BS's Shocking Pic
can petting zoos be x rated?
Feeding Time?

the bs is screaming good
One More Picture? You Glutton! - (Make Sure To Find Something To Click In The Sidebars Or Below
Now, Go Virtual And Leave The BS Alone

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