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Monday, May 26, 2014

Survey Says: Ohioans Love Raccoon Hunting

Want some real BS? Take a completely meaningless method of stating some fact and take it viral.... so, what someone did below was spend some time on Google Trends to come up with what any particular state registered as being the state that Googled the term the most...... honest enough but meaningless as it has nothing to do with the relativity of how often a person in that state Googled the term... none the less some fun and hilarity in the mapping below:

The `of courses' might include UFO's for New Mexico, God for Alabama, and Bigfoot for Idaho.... but, you gotta love Canadian Men for those in Massachusetts, Sniffing Glue in New York, and Butt Implants in Georgia. While others might point out the racist jokes in Illinois or twerking in Louisiana.  
Entertaining BS
Today's BS Gallery
Yeah, the BS had a similar image by another artist just a day or two ago. The above image the story goes was to explain the FEAR of God.

This Is A Real Yard Adornment
BB Hitting Glass
the picture below IS CHANGING
BS Gallery (the one you come for)
No, you will NOT find such explicit material on the BS... but, the pictures below may do a bit in that regard.
happy holiday

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