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Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Does The 1% Dodge 181 Billion Yearly Via Tax Loopholes?

Gotta love BS numbers generated like this... even if they NEVER get read by any talking heads on TV in America, right? Link goes onward to say what 181 billion would buy yearly.... Includes Corporate Loopholes in the total (is that ALL?)

The BS Entertains

The BS's Sexy Side

4 Chan - BANNED n Russia Now
The BS Gallery

Beach Yowser
Miss USA Toe
Miss Arkansas Toe
Tender Teens Kissing
Crusted Bits Of BS
BS Humor
MORE B(it)s
Ireland, Most Muslim County In World
serious scholarly study proves it - lives most to the principles of the religion.... the Muslim countries, ...... welllllllll
Corporal Cobler's Big Colorado Lie About `Driving Stoned'
the dude was fuc=ing drunk, of course
POT For Pets - How Cannabis Is Helping Our Pets
no more blowing smoke in the face, it comes in a pill
ZooKeeper Accidently Shoots Tranquilizer Dart Into Employee
downed him - oh, the BS twist? - he was wearing a Gorilla costume
Say What? 83 Times In A 24 Hour Period?
video or it didn't happen?
Is Number Four - The MOTHER?
keeping the college men around
Heavy Graffiti 

Public Drain Art
Be Silly, Find An Ad To Check Out
or, the drain man will come into your dreams

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