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Wednesday, July 16, 2014

One Green Zero Roulette - Awesome

As Barfsters know - The BS has been offering in the sidebar a FREE (or virtual coin) internet gambling website (signing up benefits The BS). SIX of you have already signed up, much appreciated. I've been playing for FREE to get a feel for it - I've always loved to play roulette (but knew of the crappy BS odds too) - so, it is MUCH more fun with only one green zero on the board. .... Anyway,  it's still a house advantage of course - and I've been hovering from a little down (they start you with 100 chips) to a little up.... even after playing numerous times in the past week or two. (I think I got up to 115 and down to 75 or so).

Now, of course, they have a board like in the casino that lets you see the recent number and color. I like to watch that, even while knowing the wheel has no memory. Meaning, that if I see lots of odd numbers in a row... I will start betting even. Anyway, everyone has their own way when betting roulette. But, I noticed that that ONE GREEN ZERO hadn't come up in quite some period of time... bet a chip there... and bingo. Long story short... two weeks play up to 142 chips..... shouda been playing virtual C?


265 Play Money

update 2 (7/17/14 - 2:46PM)

284 Play Money

It's secure, it's anonymous.
It's way better than or others!
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You always hear about how air pollution is getting worse, right? What if THE BS showed you the real deal the MSM would find confusing for their 9 year old intelligence broadcast level.
Win a bet with this data, right?
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