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Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Messy Ferguson Details The MSM Avoids (Largely)

Here's a well written post about the idea that IF the Ferguson police treat the visiting journalists roughly - Imagine How They Treat The Residents (of course The BS has already carried the unseen on the MSM story about how the Ferguson police sued a man they beat because his blood got on their uniforms). Want more to read on today's hottest ratings spree for CNN? Sure, how about the fact that they, the Ferguson police have Remove ID For Protection - Can't Be Identified - called impunity.
The Police Have EARNED The Respect They Get
The ATT `Hey Marcel' New America
Wanna know the `secret link to see how much Google knows about your Whereabouts? Oh, make sure to use the thing that pumps the information up to 30 days of tracking you.
Whereas, Keeping Up With Who Likes Who In The World Has Seemingly Gotten Tougher, Until The Chart Below
The MSM Doesn't Have The Balls To Put Up Such A Chart
The BS Gallery
How about a great `paraNormal' read of what seems to be an out of place animal/fish (who knows what) - that is in the Susquehanna River - something at least 5-6 feet in length.
what a wonderful world, right?
Some folks are ready to chuck the old.... in SEARCH of a new (search engine) that simply is NICE images.... hmmm.
helpful BS

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