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Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Stupid Talking Heads

Have you thought about IF the world was flat?

And, you can imagine how sophisticated she is with other intellectual topics she spews about.
BUT, The BS Entertains
You'll note that the above graphic was made from data gathered by the marketing research company called - I've been offering a link to YouGov.Com for Barfsters to become part of the panel at When you join, they begin to send you research surveys that ultimately give you a REAL chance for your opinion to count in interesting manners. You also earn points that are redeemable for cash and merchandise.  So, Sign Up With This Link Please and when you complete FIVE surveys - they flip me a buck or two. The surveys are generally fun and often are political in nature.
The BS Connects
The BS Gallery
Crusted Bits Of BS
The YOU Are Not Ready For Contact Theory About UFOs
Today's ParaNormal Read
The Robots Have Won - Panera Bread Replaces Cashiers With Machine
Wait a second, isn't that what the Unibomber warned of
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