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Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Could Bitcoin Cause A Crash?

It's a CNBC link - giving three pretty weak reasons for the possible crash..... indeed, the real risk, not in the story - is a crash in the value of Bitcoin AFTER a super-inflation period - which would be possible IMO if the currency began to service the `non-banking' world of supposedly 2.8 billion. (Banking The UNbanked) Then IF it crashed, IMO, it could be ugly - or - replace the fake money system now in existence....... The BS. Here's the link - Bitcoin Crash. Speaking of crashing, the price of a Bitcoin is at it's lowest point in nearly a year... to some, the time to get out... to others the time to get In - At Coinbase, One Off The Three Bitcoin Handlers Working With PayPal. What's that old saying, buy low sell highhhhhhhhh.
Okay, now for some MORE Bitcoin related `fun' - after you buy some virtual currency - Bitcoin..... then you get interested in the whole shabang..... and find out that there are HUNDREDS of E-Currencies, with all kinds of market caps and methodologies.... THEN you discover that for a mere PITTANCE (I am playing .04 Bitcoin, about 25 bucks when I deposited it) you can play the `market' of E-Coin at Coin-E. Some of these E-coins are moving over 10% a DAY as the whole market gets moving. Don't be the last to put a few twentys or hundreds into all of this before you regret not playing what is still the infancy of all this change. .... Need more Bitcoin news? Bitcoin News.
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