WOW - Barf Stew's Other BACK-HIDDEN Pages - `Old' Magazines You Will Remember!

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

None Since 2008

As I mentioned somewhere, with shutting down, I know have lots of old time links to deal with - lots will be coming to THE BS..... only the best of course.

Anyway, the title today refers to a Mystery Wind - that rose up in 2008 and damaged one building only in the center of a city. I searched Google for a similar occurrence since  - and found none. Truly Fortean perhaps?
 "I just happened to walk to my window, and when I looked out, everything went black. There was a tremendous amount of wind."

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When the wind passed, it left destruction. "It seemed like something just came out of the sky, lifted the roof up," 
The BS Entertains
Also From 2008

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